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Welcome to the online database for Nickerson genealogy. This genealogy database is a membership benefit for the Nickerson Family Association and is available to members. If you are a member of the NFA please request access to this site. If you are not a member of the NFA we hope you will consider becoming a member in order to access this site. Please copy the following link to join the Nickerson Family Association: https://nickersonassoc.com/store/Individual-Membership-Dues-1-Year-p51922749. This database is generated by The Next Generation software, otherwise known as TNG and us ran and updated completely by volunteers. Please bear with us as we update and tweak this site. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT IT IS THE POLICY OF THE NICKERSON FAMILY ASSOCIATION TO NOT LIST NAMES/BIRTHDATES/PRIVATE INFORMATION ON LIVING INDIVIDUALS. INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE KNOWN TO BE LIVING WILL NOT BE SHOWN IN THIS DATABASE.

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email imageIf you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.